Internet Income
Step 3: Give Something Away
Internet Income
Step 3: Give Something Away
Step 3: Give Something Away
Basic Concepts
Your next step is to create what is often called an IFO, or Irresistable Free Offer.
The IFO is a critcal step in your online success. It’s where you first grab the attention of your visitors and turn them into fans of your work – from cold leads into warm leads.
The IFO makes a promised to the visitor. It says, “If you grab my free gift (and get onto my mailing list), I’ll give you a special taste of my work that you’re going to love… and you can decide if you want to take another step.”
So many entrepreneurs under-estimate the imporatnce of this step and make one of these common mistakes when setting up their IFOs:
Your free gift should be so good, you want everyone you talk to to get one before they do anything else.