Christopher Van Buren…
Your Inner CEO
The New Brain Science of Money, Happiness & Success…
Your Inner Entrepreneur & CEO
Christopher Van Buren’s provocative idea:
You Can Chat With Your Central Executive Network…

Christopher Van Buren
CVB has spent many years studying, comparing and mapping archetypes, emotions, brain networks, and behavior patterns and how these connect us to our Noble Soul. He is certified in NeuroEmotional Technique (NET) and is an accomplished artist, entrepreneur and intuitive.
Your Inner Entrepreneur
Christopher Van Buren explains how our innermost values can guide us through our brain networks — in the form of intuition and inner wisdom and shows how we can connect with each brain network to help us extract its intuitive wisdom.
This Presentation is Live …

Your Inner Entrepreneur
Assessment Quiz
by Christopher Van Buren
What type of Inner Entrepreneur is your dominant? Are you the Inspirational Leader, the Coach/Mentor, or the Chef? Take the quiz and find out!

Your Inner Entrepreneur: Deep Dive
Tap Into Your Business Intuition and Stimulate Your Brain Networks
Meet and talk to your Inner Entrepreneur through a beautiful guided visualization.
Learn how the Inner Entrepreneur manages your power center and the one thing you can do to increase that power and release an abundant flow into your life.

Your Inner Artist
Free When You Purchase Your Inner Entrepreneur
Your brain’s Default Mode Network is like your inner Artist — you can stimulate and optimize it for greater creativity, intuition, and an attitude of beauty & gratitude. Yours free when you purchase the Inner Entrepreneur Deep Dive.